Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Brokered Convention
by Conservatives United
1) Republican Brokered Conventions result in wins!
Abraham Lincoln – 3rd Ballot - Won Presidency
Rutherford Hayes – 7th Ballot - Won Presidency
James Garfield - 36th Ballot - Won Presidency
Warning Harding – 10th Ballot – Won Presidency
Dwight D. Eisenhower – “2nd Ballot” – Won Presidency
2) McCain has to win 467 more delegates (44% of remaining delegates) to secure the nomination. Huckabee needs 639 delegates (57% of remaining delegates) to force a Brokered Convention.
3) A Brokered Convention gives conservatives a voice. A Brokered Convention gives Mike Huckabee a voice. A Brokered Convention gives Mitt Romney a voice. A Brokered Convention keeps media attention on the Republican party for the next 6 months for free! If we just roll over and go to sleep the media will almost solely focus on the Democratic contest.
4) In 1968 Reagan stayed in the race and came in 3rd at the convention with 182 delegates. In 1976 Reagan stayed in the race all the way to the convention and prevented Ford from getting to 1130 delegates. Ford cut a deal that secured enough delegates before the 1st Ballot but Reagan did not bow out until Ford had crossed the finish line.
Reagan’s Revolution says: “Reagan came into the 1976 North Carolina primary having lost the first five consecutive primaries to Ford. The national party establishment was against Reagan, the media started to write him off, and his campaign was broke and in debt. Needless to say, the pressure to drop out of the race was nearly overwhelming.”
Even though Reagan won in NC it was soon statistically impossible for Reagan to win. He still stayed in. He said conservatives have a problem with Ford and until he gets 1130 I will press on.
5) Conservatives Unite! There is still time! Win the Red States and we go to the convention for a discussion about what it means to be a Republican.
Hope this brings encouragement and hope. Spread the word. It is not over!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Why Huck Fights On
So why is Mike Huckabee staying in the race for president? What does he hope to gain? What is he seeing that the rest of us don’t see?
Ahhhh, it is the last question that answers the first two. Huckabee is reading different numbers on his chances and so far, his numbers are proving the more accurate. The cable networks and their pundits who keep telling him to drop out of the race are reading the numbers of evangelical voters in a given contest. Huck, who is afterall in a different business than entertainment news, is reading the “born again” numbers and it has made all the difference in the world.Here is how it works. A young couple and their family has been attending a Nazarene Church for the last six years. They like it, they are comfortable, they support the values, they will vote for a candidate who lines up. At the exit poll they are asked by a cable news network if they are an evangelical?
Well, they aren’t sure; this is a term that has been imposed from without, a catchall with negative connotations. In 2000, John McCain called evangelicals “agents of intolerance.” They don’t give to television evangelists. They are just Nazarene, or maybe their church is Southern Baptist, or Assemblies of God or some other “community church.” A huge percentage of evangelicals still do not know that they are, in fact, part of “the evangelical group.”
Huckabee is working with Gallup numbers, the only truly reliable numbers on religion. It is what we worked with in our successful 1988 campaign for George Herbert Walker Bush, who won 81% of evangelicals nationwide. Gallup’s numbers could be trusted then because they offered a definition inside the question itself. And because they offered a point of reference. (They had been publishing their surveys of religion for years.) And because no special interest drove their polling, it was strictly a curious socio-cultural snapshot of America.
Here was Gallup’s question…
“Are you a born again Christian, that is, have you had a turning point in your life in which you committed yourself to Jesus Christ?”
In 1984, as we looked ahead and planned the GHW Bush presidential run, 39% of the American public said “Yes” to that question. Today the number is closer to 42%.
In 1992, Gallup finally added an addendum to the above question to make it clear…
“And / or, are you an evangelical?”
To all of the above that Nazarene couple would have answered yes.
This year, Evangelicals have watched with bemusement and then horror as the cable news networks have hashed and rehashed who they are, what they believe and why they vote the way they vote. One would think that having an evangelical or two also commenting would be good marketing. Can you imagine networks full of whites talking on and on about Black voters with nary a word from the Black community itself? Well, you got it with evangelicals.
And the same arrogance led to their pointless, irrelevant polls. It led to them believe that Huckabee’s diminished evangelical pool could not support wins in the South on Super Tuesday, for example. But while they saw 28% of the voters in a given state as evangelical, Huckabee knew that twice that many were born again Christians who would support him.We encountered a similar problem in the 1988 cycle. CBS News had exit polls showing that 17% of the nation were fundamentalist Christians. This was a period in which national ignorance of religion in the media was so widespread that we couldn’t get the media to see the difference between fundamentalists, in the John Rice tradition, Jerry Falwell, for example, and the larger evangelical movement. The difference was huge. For example, our Gallup polls, including an excellent purloined survey that had been commissioned by Robert Schuller, showed that only 2% of the nation considered themselves as Fundamentalists, while the 39% claimed to be born again.So where did CBS get its 17%? Most of the public was far more informed about religion than the elitists in media who covered it. Some people answered no to CBS, even though they were born again Christians, some thought, well, I am not a fundamentalist but I think they are really wanting to know if I am born again. They said, yes. Others thought, maybe they are getting it mixed up with evangelicals, and so CBS came up with a bogus, irrelevant number that represented nothing more than a grasp in the dark.
For a brief period, the national news media had a perfect window into this world through John Ellis, a cousin of the Bush family who ran the polling division at NBC. The computer programming pioneer, Roman Godzich, who would later become famous for introducing news on the internet, had set up the NBC system. And we, evangelicals at the Bush campaign, were backtracking to NBC, to help them ask the right questions. The secular media thought our campaign was out of its mind for its early courting of evangelicals. But we got our work done, most of it by 1986, and we were moving into mainstream waters completely by the last year, unscathed by media antipathy toward our Christian allies.
This week, as frantic conservatives tried to drive Huckabee out of the contest, he saw numbers twice as big as theirs. He, alone paid attention to how evangelicals were cutting in Iowa in the last three days when the estrangement between Mormons and Evangelicals surfaced. He knew that if he dropped out, his supporters would not go to Romney. The race would be over. He knew that the bogus attacks on his conservative credentials would not phase his base. (Huckabee’s most liberal moment as governor of Arkansas was raising cigarette taxes in state. Evangelicals don’t care about “sin taxes.” They cared more about Romney’s support of gay civil unions and pro choice in Massachusetts.)
So why does Huckabee stay in the race?
Because in their rush to destroy his chances they have frightened the whole evangelical movement, maybe even awakened parts of it and united parts of it that Huckabee had not been able to reach. MSNBC openly sneered at him, for no apparent reason other than his faith. CNN marginalized him, excluding him from a debate when he was only 1 point separate from Mitt Romney in national polls. FOX News led its Super Tuesday morning program with Karen Hanratty’s anti-Huckabee rant, “Thank God he won’t be the nominee. I don’t care what he does.” Evangelicals themselves feel under attack.
But Huckabee’s numbers proved prescient, the networks bogus. And he is still reading those numbers and must follow them to their end conclusion in Virginia and elsewhere. Now he has become something more. He represents a huge segment of the nation that is feeling excluded, ripped, vilified and powerless. The media hostility and pushing and shoving is awakening the giant. Too late to win the nomination but not too late to bargain at the table of a beleaguered candidate.
This week the media elites, in their great ignorance of evangelicals, will announce that the negotiation have begun at C-PAC between Movement Conservatives and the nominee, John McCain. But C-PAC will represent only the Catholic talking heads and institutions inside the beltway. The negotiations will not be over. Any bargaining with evangelicals will now have to pass through the hands of Governor Mike Huckabee.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Oops! I Did It Again...

For the sake of bringing you up to speed (in case you missed the first one) let me remind you that when Sean Hannity came out and endorsed Mitt Romney - I received an email from a frustrated friend in Ohio who - like many others - has a very difficult time in watching the continued mis-treatment of any GOP Candidate - but certainly Mike Huckabee since that is who the Principaled and Values Voters support. You can read the detailed account below - but the remark I made that "offended" Sean Hannity was "So much for Faith and Family Values. It's all about the money and the Mormon funding these guys receive."
It was that email that now the Evangelical Leader Gary Bauer decided to weigh in on. Gary is one individual that I have been discussing Huckabee and other candidates with quite vigorously for a while. His response was:
I understand the strong negative reaction to Senator McCain. I would caution, however, that some of the criticism is overblown. For example:
He has an 82% American Conservative Union voting record.
He has repeatedly promised to veto any tax increase.
He voted against the hate crimes bill.
He is the toughest Republican Senator on fighting pork barrel spending.
He has voted pro-life on every issue except, unfortunately, stem-cells.
Hillary or Obama will destroy our military, shut down conservative talk radio, raise taxes,
surrender in Iraq and give us socialized medicine. How can anything that bad for America possibly be good for conservatives?
Mr. Bauer is reacting to my comments of voting for Obama if Huckabee isn't at the very least a VP candidate.
I will close this blog with my copy and pasted response to Mr. Bauer and trust it will speak for itself without further commentary (but please feel free to add your comments).
Mr. Bauer,
In response to your reply (be forwarned - Hannity has called me a Huckabee Conspiracy Theorist on National Radio so whatever you have to offer I can take).
Is it overblown that McCain doesn't support the "Sovereignty" of the US?
Is it overblown that McCain supports gay marriage?
Is it overblown that McCain supports stem cell research ("unfortunately" not)?
As for promising to veto any tax increase - so has Huckabee. I'm not going into full explanation here - but you can listen to the same YouTubes and the radio interview between Huckabee and Colmes that I've heard regarding Huckabee's position on tax increase and his POSITIVE record of surplus and LOWERING Taxes in Arkansas (his record is far better than Romney's), along with fixing the education fiasco, the HealthCare problems and Road Problems, the Clintons left behind.
The Hate crimes bill has not been an issue (at least a major one) in this election (that I'm aware of)
Huckabee promises to be tough on Pork Barrel spending and has promoted a Line Item Veto to accomplish it.
Conservative Talk radio is far from conservative - and I'm at the place that they need to be shut down as you suggest the democrats will do. If they aren't going to report objectively and truthfully - why should they exist. It is gross misconduct to be King Makers. The reason FOX came into existence to begin with was so we had an alternative to the Main Stream Media King Maker's - now we have Conservative King Makers. As a matter of fact - what makes you think John McCain wouldn't shut them down alongside the Democrats - his McCain/Feingold bill certainly had the intent of shutting Evangelical Ministries down (even though it was only self-serving to get him the GOP nomination - and now that he has come out and stated that M/F is 'unconstitutional' and your candidate stated it was "bad legislation" the purpose of the M/F bill has been served - and Americans have been duped - and our Government Used like last nights prostitute) Their (FOX and relative pundits) journalism is and remains unethical in practice, and has been bought and paid for.
Socialized Medicine is a Romney plan as well as the democrats.
My position is - if we're going to elect a RINO - let's just put a Democrat in. At least we'll know what to expect of them. Then the GOP's will rally to keep their hands tied and regain Congressional/Senate seats back in 2010. Hillary would probably be the lesser of two evils between her and Obama - so maybe I overspoke in which Democrat I would vote for - but I will not vote for McCain unless Huckabee is the VP (provided he doesn't get the nomination in a brokered convention at this point). I will not vote for Romney even if Huckabee is his VP because of his dirty politics and "Do anything to get elected" mentality. He is as bad if not worse on flip-flopping than John Kerry and the Democrats will hand him his head on a platter in November should he win the nomination.
Evangelical Leadership, the GOP Washington Insiders, and Fox News (Conservative Radio) have all grossly mis-handled this election and probably have cost us the White House.
I almost ended with that - but just to be clear, I'm not upset because the groups I've listed have "Not supported" Huckabee (with exception to the Evangelical leadership who should know better). I'm upset because they clearly ostrosized Huckabee and (yourself included) came out very early stating that "we don't endorse" but you all eventually ended up endorsing when Mike Huckabee started showing promise and even early on - the non-endorsing crowd had no problem saying "we don't endorse - but Mike Huckabee is liberal" and spun his very conservative, very humane, very Christian governing record into what amounted to out-right lies. Evangelical leadership seemingly (this is a "Conspiracy Theory" floating about) have been simply trying to jump on the winning horse in this race - thus they have not backed their clear choice candidate.
THERE MR. HANNITY is why I stated "So much for Faith and Family Values" it seems that the Evangelical leadership can be bought and sold too (along with you and Clear Channel - if that offends you - I'm sorry - - I'm offended too). In the name of "power and open communication lines" with whomever becomes the next President, Evangelicals have remained silent. I have been told by Tony Perkins' staffer's and close friends of James Dobson that my thinking of Mormon Money lining their Organizational pockets is off - but I still maintain "follow the money" How many Mormon Dollars compared to non-mormon dollars pays their utility costs, payroll costs, etc. A comparison I'd like to see. But even taking the words of these individuals - one of which I trust greatly - the silence of these Evangelical leaders is not warranted and not appropriate. Sorry - my Bible tells me that once "having done all to stand... stand." and Evangelicals across this country have given to Focus on the Family, FRC (Tony Perkins), ACLJ (Jay Sekulow), AFA (who have done the right thing in this election), and I would even venture to say Gary Bauer's org and supported their battle cries and calls - and when the rubber met the road when Huckabee threw in (which would have been, should have been, and WAS their prime candidate) they should have gotten behind him with everything their organizations could throw....but they remained silent (an epitaph for their tombstones). They took to the political low road. When it came time to Put up or shut up - they shut up. That's what the Bible terms as being "lukewarm." They had their chance and missed it, and I will be watching and listening throughout the next Presidents adminstration and everytime I hear a complaint or a stance against abortion or any other "Christian issue" - I'm going to tell them Mike Huckabee, Mike Huckabee, Mike Huckabee....you had your chance and took a pass." Every aborted baby's grave should have that on their tombstone: "You had your chance to save me and took a political pass."
Well Mr. Bauer, you and I may never see eye to eye on this election. But you have lost a lot of respect of some very good Christian individuals that I've communitcated with. Why exactly - outside of your failed support of Huckabee and your attacks against him - I'm not sure - something transpiring before my time regarding political interests and involvment.
As stated earlier - I can vote for a McCain/Huckabee ticket as long as I follow it up with a stiff drink (just kidding - I don't drink - just watch too many westerns - since I don't have FOX News to watch or WMAL radio to listen to any more). I would hope we could work together in the future - but unfortunately until this election is over - I have the "if your not for me - your against me" mentaility as applied to Hucakbee - which as you should know is a Biblical Principal.
As for conspiracy theories - - a friend of mine has a very good concept on conspiracy theories - too long to get into here, but there is definately a conspiracy theory that is reality when you think about "principalities and powers" in high places. Many people are working (possibly at odds with others) for the same ultimate goal of the Prince of Persia - but our goal is for the Prince of Peace, and we are currently losing a well-fought battle with this election - haven't lost - but behind at this writing - and in the end you and I both know Who wins the war whatever the outcome of the battle may be. The battle at this time is only the Nomination for GOP Candidate, the next Battle is the General Election, but the War - is the Kingdom of Heaven and it's citizens, to which - in Jesus Christ - we are both a part of. I will stand with you anytime for that ultimate victory - and wish you and the other Evangelical Leaders who chose to go left when they should have gone right had stood with me and many others in this current battle we now face.
I don't know what you think about Don Wildmon - I've always thought he was pretty "out there" but he has supported this candidate and for now - has won my appreciation. I'm not sure how effective he is - but I give him an A for effort, diligence, and faithfulness to his calling over the years. The other more well-known Arlington Group members left their first love and as Mr. Hannity suggested for me...."should be ashamed" of themselves. You can read about that on my blog.
Thanks for the reply.
With respect,
Michael Phillips, Chairman
Maryland Faith and Family Values Coalition
Waldorf, MD
African-Americans Support Huckabee
On Monday, February 4th a group of Black Conservatives from across the country gathered at the National Press Club to announce their backing of Mike Huckabee for President. Michael Brown (Washington DC) and Mike Phillips (Waldorf, MD) of Hucks Army – a grassroots organization supporting Mike Huckabee – were present to show their support and be able to report back to the Huckabee constituency.
The purpose of the press conference was to urge former Governor Mike Huckabee to remain in the Presidential race for the GOP nomination. They each stated their strong support for Mike Huckabee to remain in the race all the way to convention in September despite the efforts of intimidation and “cry-baby tactics” of Mitt Romney’s campaign. Don Scoggins – a black Republican for 50 years and President of Republicans for Black Empowerment located in DC – stated that “mike Huckabee should not be intimidated to stop his bid for the nomination.” Star Parker, founder and President of C.U.R.E. (Coalition of Urban Renewal and Education – www.urbancure.org) stated that “black Americans have been duped by the democratic party for too long.” Ms. Parker, a former welfare recipient admitting to four abortions before understanding the misleading myth that abortion is a harmless form of birth control, stated that “Barak Obama is the most liberal candidate in this election. His views do not reflect Christian Values or the values of Black People.” She further stated that black people have been repressed and it is the Democratic Party that has led us to believe that they are the answer to our plight. “Welfare doesn’t work for the black American, young black men need to go to work and build themselves a future” according to Parker. Star also stated that African Americans need to “…understand that moral and economic health go hand in hand and should not be underestimated.”
All of the speakers maintained the concept of the Christian’s responsibility to vote according to principals and values. If that is the goal, “Black people in this country will not choose Barak Obama or Mitt Romney as their choice for president” maintaining their records on abortion.
50 African American conservatives were represented at the Press Conference denoting their support of Mike Huckabee including but not limited to Ron Miller (a former congressional candidate of MD), Eric Brown of FL, Daryl Bassett of LR, Marvin Harris, GA and many others.
Rev. Clenard Childress of Montclair NJ asked the question “Does Barak Obama fit the dream of Martin Luther King?” Using the “I Have A Dream Speech,” Rev. Childress suggested that voters line each candidate up with the challenge that Dr. King gave America in Washington. Dr. King stated that we need to be a “Nation of conscience” to which Rev. Childress stated “Obama denied healthcare to babies who survived abortions, and he has a conscience?” He further stated that Barak Obama was an “African American perpetrating a fraud.”
Friday, February 1, 2008
I'm A Conspiracy Theorist: So Says Sean Hannity

Is the next attack to be compared to Ron Paulinian conspiratists?
Today I had the distinct honor of exchanging emails with one of the Faux News Huck Heister's: Sean Hannity.
The exchange began last night with an email I received from a friend in Ohio (who's name I'll leave out for her benefit - but suffice it to say she is an Ohio leader of political values voting responsibility). Sean Hannity - yesterday - came out and endorsed Mitt Romney for President. Certainly Sean has that right - but where he and most every other Faux News Pundit has erred is that they have all tried to ram-rod this election from behind a camera and microphone.
It's difficult enough for a candidate with little money to show he is electable and can win in November while running against seven other candidates - one of which will climb a tree to tell a lie as to stand on the ground and tell the truth (Sean's choice - Romney). But add to that mix of seven candidates a slew of pundits like Sean, Rush, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingram, Britt Hume, Bill O'Reiley, and every other so-called Fair and Balanced campaign conjurator Fox and Bain Capital (Romney's Corporation) have on their payroll and you have a very difficult campaign hill to climb indeed. For most it would be impossible, but for Mike it has been impressive. With little funds, lies fabled, and limelight Fox-fettered Huckabee is still in the game.
Certainly the liberal media (Faux News included) would have you to beleive it's all over but the shouting with McCain in the driver's seat. But there are many states in the south that Mike Huckabee is either in a clear lead or tied for first place for Super Tuesday. He still has a chance - even though snow-ball might be looming in the back of our mind to further descript the chance. If there were no chance - I hope he remains in the race to muck up Mitt's opportunity to lead this country into a socialistic, government controlled wreck of a nation and GOP.
Senator Obama is calling for Obama Republicans in like fashion as Reagan called for his Reagan Democrats. If Romney wins the GOP nomination - I'm ready to roll for Obama. If McCain wins the nomination and chooses anyone but Huckabee - I'm rolling left in November. My rationale? If we're going to elect a democrat let's be honest about it and get a REAL Democrat in the Whitehouse.
Let's deal with my Consipiracy Theorisms
In recent weeks I've learned some things about the "money trail" in politics. Duncan Hunter has suggested in a few debates to "follow the money." Briefly, if we follow the money - or at least ask the question as to where the money originates, it becomes quite enlightening without a conspiracy anywhere in sight. As Mitt Romney told McCain the other night in the CNN debates "Facts are a funny thing." It is a fact that Mitt Romney owns Bain Capital. It is a fact that Bain Capital owns Fox News Network. It is a Fact that Sean Hannity is under contract until 2010 with Fox News Network. Any questions as to why the endorsement? Facts are a funny thing.
I stated in my email reply last night - when asked by my Ohio friend of what we can do at this point to help our canididate overcome these obstacles presented from our own GOP family - that I was just learning of Hannity's endorsement of Romney. I was also just learning of some very disheartening information as to Evangelicals participating in the Romney campaign. The only way I can rationalize in my mind the reason for Hannity's support for Romney (at least until I learned who his boss was) is that McCain is just too liberal and Huckabee is just too Christian.
"I just learned from the Mike Huckabee blog that Jay Sekulow isTo which Sean Hannity responds...
a Senior Staff advisor for Romney. Unbelievable. I'm sorry - If Romney
wins this nomination - I'll be one of Obama's Republicans. At least we can count
on him to be honest with America. We've lost the Evangelical leadership that's
certain. Tony Perkins is pulling for Romney and Dobson seems to be with his
silence. So much for Faith and Values. It's all about the money and the
Mormon funding these guys receive."
"This statement is beyond offensive.............you should be
ashamed of yourself..........and for the record pointing out that Rudy saved NY
from Pornography, prostitution, drugs murder, crime, high taxes, and excessive
welfare is not an endorsement.....IT IS A FACT!"
All screaming aside (all caps are considered shouting in emails - a FACT I'm sure Sean is aware of) Sean Hannity should be offended. He should be offended just like I'm offended. I am offended as a right of right conservative that Checkbook Journalism has won the day in this election. I didn't question Giuiliani's record in any email sent to Hannity. However, in my response, I reminded Hannity that Rudy is
"...Pro-choice, his position on Roe v. Wade is weak with his promise only to appoint judges. Huckabee's goal is to overturn Roe v. Wade. We've appointed enough judges in the last 30 years to have been able to get the job done by now. I am convinced that 'appointing judges' is Washington insiders little stroke to appease the 42% of Evangelicals in this country."
Hannity further responded
"You should be ashamed of yourself saying this,............ I will not even respond to your crazy conspiracy theory which is also FALSE--I speak for MYSELF only........."
I should be ashamed of myself.
For what exactly? For calling a duck a duck? For stating the facts as I see them? I'm not ashamed of that. I stand firm for principals in every aspect of life. I have let church member's walk out of my congregation because they wanted me to turn a blind eye to the wrongs they were committing, because others wanted me to water down the message of the Bible, because I taught what the word of God says whether the hearer liked it or not. I am Principaled and am not ashamed of the truth. The truth is, when I watch Fox News and listen to the Sean Hannity show (radio or TV), Huckabee is being ignored. I know it and see it. Other do as well - so while Hannity speaks for "HIMSELF only" I speak for me and MANY OTHERS who I've spoken to personally, read their comments in discussion boards, and blogged about on the internet.
What I AM ashamed of is what pretends to be "Evangelical" in this country. The so-called Evangelical leadership have failed this country, this consitituent, and this candidate (Huckabee). Sean Hannity could not today - nor can he deny that Tony Perkins, Jay Sekulow, and quite possibly James Dobson (though sources adamantly tell me otherwise) have BIG MONEY coming into their organizations from the LDS Church (Mormons). I hear Duncan Hunter's voice distantly in the past debates saying "Follow the Money"
In defending himself Hannity mentioned that Huckabee was on his TV show tonight at 9:00 - leaving me to beleive he was being gracious only later this afternoon to learn that Chip Saltzman requested the time for Huckabee to "pick a bone" with Hannity. I will certainly watch with interest. I did give Hannity his due kudos in that he has allowed Huckabee to have more airtime than any other candidate...
"And in those time frames, you have demeaned Huckabee's record by either lying or being mis-informed about his fiscal conservatism and raising taxes in Arkansas. The candidate you endorsed raised more taxes and fees that Huckabee did. The candidate you endorse pandered to the Homosexual agenda as Governor of his state. The candidate you endorse allowed for $50 co-pays for abortions in his mandated health-care program that he will bring to Washington.
Are you for mandated health-care? If so - I'm quite surprised.
Also in the majority of your time with Huckabee you have made it a point to call
him a Baptist Preacher and question his ability to lead. You and other FOX
pundits have all used the "Christian" aspect of Huckabee to cause his demise,
but where Romney has been concerned he is always referred to as a Governor - not a Mormon.I will also give you credit for the post-debate interviews that you
have given - - as opposed to FOX's overall mishandling of the debates. The
last FOX debate allowed 22 minutes for Romney to speak and only 11 for
Huckabee. I didn't track McCain's time. There is no excuse for that - well
except for the excuse of having an agenda for electing the owner FOX and
Baines Capital as President. Our GOP Nomination has been bought and paid for
and I'm not the one who should be ashamed."
So, time draws nigh for the Huck/Hannity showdown. In closing, I'm no more a conspiracy theorist than I am a potential Vice Presidential pick for Huckabee should he win the nomination. I hope Huckabee is tough, firm, and Presidential tonight. I pray that many will watch the show - both the Fox Coolaid Swallowers as well as those of us who have spewn their lukewarmedness out of our mouths when we realized they were bought and paid for and trying to be king-makers instead of ethical and legitimate journalists.
Before I had the chance to hit the "publish Post" button Frank Luntz states to Hannity on Fox that Huckabee came out of the CNN Debate as the favorite. How many debates does Mike Huckabee have to win before FOX and the other Liberal Media outlets with them will see him as a viable candidate that can beat the Clinton Machine and "out debate" Obama.
"CHANGE" the current Buzz Word
What has happened to make us wonder just what words mean?
Take the word “CHANGE.” We hear much ado about change. Who are those among us who cry out for "change?" What do they mean?
Political comments have changed. Since Clinton was President, we have been hearing charges of every and all sorts about our republican leaders.
It has been ‘so long and far away’ since we have heard any of the music we all used to listen to and hum the melody during our day's work.
Lately all we read or hear from the media make us feel afraid to do what we have been doing all of our lives. I stopped reading newspapers years ago. I’m betting you will think: "What wisdom!"
Newspapers are so biased. I can’t believe them. I stopped when Vicki the Vulganizer was doing her very sincere best to destroy our republican county commissioners in the mid 1990’s. Wasn’t I smart! {I mean ‘wise.’}
Soon, folks, now Congress with that thin democrat majority will be trying to cause me to stop listening to radio. Have you heard about their Fairness Doctrine bill? Seems Congressional leaders want to violate the First Amendment to the Constitution with their version of “Fairness.”
‘Imprimis*’, they will violate the first of the Bill of Rights by making a law regarding the use of our public's air waves. Somehow they construe the idea that mandating Free Speech must be Equal Speech. What do you think of that? In using the term "fairness" they they twist the definition of fairness to mean what that bill will mandate. Really insightful.
Churches don’t pay taxes because they are not supposed to be houses of politics. [Editors Note: In Maryland we may not pay taxes as a church - but we do pay fee's in order to maintain tax exemption - go figure, sounds like something right out of Mitt Romney's playbook] Yet we see time and again democrat politicians at the main stations in many churches soliciting votes. We see church leaders touting openly candidates of their flavor so they obviously are convincing their group to support those candidates. Those churches should have to pay Federal and state income taxes as do all other groups who support candidates. Why hasn’t the IRS gone after them? They do come after us!
That they do what they do has been overlooked for what reason? Is that a FAIRNESS Doctrine?
Do you find it strange now that we hear and see words being used in strange ways?
Charles County, Maryland
When I hear the word SMART I think of "hurt." As in, “boy did that bee sting smart!”
What does Planning and Zoning Committees mean by SMART GROWTH?
That is why the term SMART GROWTH means painful growth to me. When you read your recent new tax assessment for your home didn't you feel pain? I did. My home assessment was increased by one hundred thousand dollars.
I could feel the pain of SMART GROWTH when I must pay not $2000, but $3000 per year to live in my brick Chicken Coop. [Oops, now they have me using double meanings.] Anyone who recently had to meet the demands of SMART GROWTH zoning will easily recant the pain they experienced.
Use of words such as Change, Fairness and SMART don't carry the same meanings anymore.
There are other terms you could easily add to this short list. Truth is one, isn't it?
As to the sounds we hear that are supposed to be "music" why don't they set us to humming any melodies do they? Are those sounds music? I don't think they are. Somehow we have warped back in time to that hypothetical year "1984." What was anticipated in 1948 in Great Britain was off the mark by just a couple of decades in our lives.
Seems it took a little longer for those among us to bring about the same changes here.
What are we going to do about all this?
Do we sit back and do the politically correct thing or are we going to stand up, declare our disdain, and do the right thing by fighting for those freedoms we are about to lose?
Don't we have grandchildren to leave those very freedoms we have had handed to us by those multitudes who actually died to keep for us?
I see a start of a war against "terrorists" of a new kind. Just as we know why in the mid 1850’s the French cried out "To Arms, Citizens!"
Don't you agree that Rudy Guiliani lost his fight for the Presidency of this great nation because he forgot what it was we must fight for? He forgot he was the first to tell us it is FREEDOM we will lose if we don't stand up and fight! How "slick" his media enemy was! Hillary did not wish to take him on later! All that glitters is not GOLD. The truth is not what it really is any more.
Now it has come to be the time for all good voters to go to the polls on February 12th to vote for fighters who can remember from day to day just what it is like to lose one's FREEDOM.
Experience is a dear teacher.
It will be so easy to stay home.
It will be so much harder to win back what we’ll lose just as it will be to pay the coming heavy tax bills from Governor O’Malley. His lesson taught us what truth really is, didn't he?
* Imprimis is Latin for “in the first place.”
Doug Ritchie
Proudly serving the cause of patriotism
MD General Assembly enacted the tax increases to support Socialism's growing hunger!
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