Friday, February 1, 2008

"CHANGE" the current Buzz Word

By: Doug Ritchie, a resident of Charles County, Maryland

What has happened to make us wonder just what words mean?

Take the word “CHANGE.” We hear much ado about change. Who are those among us who cry out for "change?" What do they mean?

Political comments have changed. Since Clinton was President, we have been hearing charges of every and all sorts about our republican leaders.

It has been ‘so long and far away’ since we have heard any of the music we all used to listen to and hum the melody during our day's work.

Lately all we read or hear from the media make us feel afraid to do what we have been doing all of our lives. I stopped reading newspapers years ago. I’m betting you will think: "What wisdom!"
Newspapers are so biased. I can’t believe them. I stopped when Vicki the Vulganizer was doing her very sincere best to destroy our republican county commissioners in the mid 1990’s. Wasn’t I smart! {I mean ‘wise.’}

Soon, folks, now Congress with that thin democrat majority will be trying to cause me to stop listening to radio. Have you heard about their Fairness Doctrine bill? Seems Congressional leaders want to violate the First Amendment to the Constitution with their version of “Fairness.”
‘Imprimis*’, they will violate the first of the Bill of Rights by making a law regarding the use of our public's air waves. Somehow they construe the idea that mandating Free Speech must be Equal Speech. What do you think of that? In using the term "fairness" they they twist the definition of fairness to mean what that bill will mandate. Really insightful.

Churches don’t pay taxes because they are not supposed to be houses of politics. [Editors Note: In Maryland we may not pay taxes as a church - but we do pay fee's in order to maintain tax exemption - go figure, sounds like something right out of Mitt Romney's playbook] Yet we see time and again democrat politicians at the main stations in many churches soliciting votes. We see church leaders touting openly candidates of their flavor so they obviously are convincing their group to support those candidates. Those churches should have to pay Federal and state income taxes as do all other groups who support candidates. Why hasn’t the IRS gone after them? They do come after us!

That they do what they do has been overlooked for what reason? Is that a FAIRNESS Doctrine?
Do you find it strange now that we hear and see words being used in strange ways?

Charles County, Maryland

When I hear the word SMART I think of "hurt." As in, “boy did that bee sting smart!”
What does Planning and Zoning Committees mean by SMART GROWTH?

That is why the term SMART GROWTH means painful growth to me. When you read your recent new tax assessment for your home didn't you feel pain? I did. My home assessment was increased by one hundred thousand dollars.

I could feel the pain of SMART GROWTH when I must pay not $2000, but $3000 per year to live in my brick Chicken Coop. [Oops, now they have me using double meanings.] Anyone who recently had to meet the demands of SMART GROWTH zoning will easily recant the pain they experienced.

Use of words such as Change, Fairness and SMART don't carry the same meanings anymore.

There are other terms you could easily add to this short list. Truth is one, isn't it?

As to the sounds we hear that are supposed to be "music" why don't they set us to humming any melodies do they? Are those sounds music? I don't think they are. Somehow we have warped back in time to that hypothetical year "1984." What was anticipated in 1948 in Great Britain was off the mark by just a couple of decades in our lives.

Seems it took a little longer for those among us to bring about the same changes here.

What are we going to do about all this?
Do we sit back and do the politically correct thing or are we going to stand up, declare our disdain, and do the right thing by fighting for those freedoms we are about to lose?

Don't we have grandchildren to leave those very freedoms we have had handed to us by those multitudes who actually died to keep for us?

I see a start of a war against "terrorists" of a new kind. Just as we know why in the mid 1850’s the French cried out "To Arms, Citizens!"

Don't you agree that Rudy Guiliani lost his fight for the Presidency of this great nation because he forgot what it was we must fight for? He forgot he was the first to tell us it is FREEDOM we will lose if we don't stand up and fight! How "slick" his media enemy was! Hillary did not wish to take him on later! All that glitters is not GOLD. The truth is not what it really is any more.
Now it has come to be the time for all good voters to go to the polls on February 12th to vote for fighters who can remember from day to day just what it is like to lose one's FREEDOM.

Experience is a dear teacher.

It will be so easy to stay home.

It will be so much harder to win back what we’ll lose just as it will be to pay the coming heavy tax bills from Governor O’Malley. His lesson taught us what truth really is, didn't he?

* Imprimis is Latin for “in the first place.”

Doug Ritchie
Proudly serving the cause of patriotism

MD General Assembly enacted the tax increases to support Socialism's growing hunger!

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