Is the next attack to be compared to Ron Paulinian conspiratists?
Today I had the distinct honor of exchanging emails with one of the Faux News Huck Heister's: Sean Hannity.
The exchange began last night with an email I received from a friend in Ohio (who's name I'll leave out for her benefit - but suffice it to say she is an Ohio leader of political values voting responsibility). Sean Hannity - yesterday - came out and endorsed Mitt Romney for President. Certainly Sean has that right - but where he and most every other Faux News Pundit has erred is that they have all tried to ram-rod this election from behind a camera and microphone.
It's difficult enough for a candidate with little money to show he is electable and can win in November while running against seven other candidates - one of which will climb a tree to tell a lie as to stand on the ground and tell the truth (Sean's choice - Romney). But add to that mix of seven candidates a slew of pundits like Sean, Rush, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingram, Britt Hume, Bill O'Reiley, and every other so-called Fair and Balanced campaign conjurator Fox and Bain Capital (Romney's Corporation) have on their payroll and you have a very difficult campaign hill to climb indeed. For most it would be impossible, but for Mike it has been impressive. With little funds, lies fabled, and limelight Fox-fettered Huckabee is still in the game.
Certainly the liberal media (Faux News included) would have you to beleive it's all over but the shouting with McCain in the driver's seat. But there are many states in the south that Mike Huckabee is either in a clear lead or tied for first place for Super Tuesday. He still has a chance - even though snow-ball might be looming in the back of our mind to further descript the chance. If there were no chance - I hope he remains in the race to muck up Mitt's opportunity to lead this country into a socialistic, government controlled wreck of a nation and GOP.
Senator Obama is calling for Obama Republicans in like fashion as Reagan called for his Reagan Democrats. If Romney wins the GOP nomination - I'm ready to roll for Obama. If McCain wins the nomination and chooses anyone but Huckabee - I'm rolling left in November. My rationale? If we're going to elect a democrat let's be honest about it and get a REAL Democrat in the Whitehouse.
Let's deal with my Consipiracy Theorisms
In recent weeks I've learned some things about the "money trail" in politics. Duncan Hunter has suggested in a few debates to "follow the money." Briefly, if we follow the money - or at least ask the question as to where the money originates, it becomes quite enlightening without a conspiracy anywhere in sight. As Mitt Romney told McCain the other night in the CNN debates "Facts are a funny thing." It is a fact that Mitt Romney owns Bain Capital. It is a fact that Bain Capital owns Fox News Network. It is a Fact that Sean Hannity is under contract until 2010 with Fox News Network. Any questions as to why the endorsement? Facts are a funny thing.
I stated in my email reply last night - when asked by my Ohio friend of what we can do at this point to help our canididate overcome these obstacles presented from our own GOP family - that I was just learning of Hannity's endorsement of Romney. I was also just learning of some very disheartening information as to Evangelicals participating in the Romney campaign. The only way I can rationalize in my mind the reason for Hannity's support for Romney (at least until I learned who his boss was) is that McCain is just too liberal and Huckabee is just too Christian.
"I just learned from the Mike Huckabee blog that Jay Sekulow isTo which Sean Hannity responds...
a Senior Staff advisor for Romney. Unbelievable. I'm sorry - If Romney
wins this nomination - I'll be one of Obama's Republicans. At least we can count
on him to be honest with America. We've lost the Evangelical leadership that's
certain. Tony Perkins is pulling for Romney and Dobson seems to be with his
silence. So much for Faith and Values. It's all about the money and the
Mormon funding these guys receive."
"This statement is beyond offensive.............you should be
ashamed of yourself..........and for the record pointing out that Rudy saved NY
from Pornography, prostitution, drugs murder, crime, high taxes, and excessive
welfare is not an endorsement.....IT IS A FACT!"
All screaming aside (all caps are considered shouting in emails - a FACT I'm sure Sean is aware of) Sean Hannity should be offended. He should be offended just like I'm offended. I am offended as a right of right conservative that Checkbook Journalism has won the day in this election. I didn't question Giuiliani's record in any email sent to Hannity. However, in my response, I reminded Hannity that Rudy is
"...Pro-choice, his position on Roe v. Wade is weak with his promise only to appoint judges. Huckabee's goal is to overturn Roe v. Wade. We've appointed enough judges in the last 30 years to have been able to get the job done by now. I am convinced that 'appointing judges' is Washington insiders little stroke to appease the 42% of Evangelicals in this country."
Hannity further responded
"You should be ashamed of yourself saying this,............ I will not even respond to your crazy conspiracy theory which is also FALSE--I speak for MYSELF only........."
I should be ashamed of myself.
For what exactly? For calling a duck a duck? For stating the facts as I see them? I'm not ashamed of that. I stand firm for principals in every aspect of life. I have let church member's walk out of my congregation because they wanted me to turn a blind eye to the wrongs they were committing, because others wanted me to water down the message of the Bible, because I taught what the word of God says whether the hearer liked it or not. I am Principaled and am not ashamed of the truth. The truth is, when I watch Fox News and listen to the Sean Hannity show (radio or TV), Huckabee is being ignored. I know it and see it. Other do as well - so while Hannity speaks for "HIMSELF only" I speak for me and MANY OTHERS who I've spoken to personally, read their comments in discussion boards, and blogged about on the internet.
What I AM ashamed of is what pretends to be "Evangelical" in this country. The so-called Evangelical leadership have failed this country, this consitituent, and this candidate (Huckabee). Sean Hannity could not today - nor can he deny that Tony Perkins, Jay Sekulow, and quite possibly James Dobson (though sources adamantly tell me otherwise) have BIG MONEY coming into their organizations from the LDS Church (Mormons). I hear Duncan Hunter's voice distantly in the past debates saying "Follow the Money"
In defending himself Hannity mentioned that Huckabee was on his TV show tonight at 9:00 - leaving me to beleive he was being gracious only later this afternoon to learn that Chip Saltzman requested the time for Huckabee to "pick a bone" with Hannity. I will certainly watch with interest. I did give Hannity his due kudos in that he has allowed Huckabee to have more airtime than any other candidate...
"And in those time frames, you have demeaned Huckabee's record by either lying or being mis-informed about his fiscal conservatism and raising taxes in Arkansas. The candidate you endorsed raised more taxes and fees that Huckabee did. The candidate you endorse pandered to the Homosexual agenda as Governor of his state. The candidate you endorse allowed for $50 co-pays for abortions in his mandated health-care program that he will bring to Washington.
Are you for mandated health-care? If so - I'm quite surprised.
Also in the majority of your time with Huckabee you have made it a point to call
him a Baptist Preacher and question his ability to lead. You and other FOX
pundits have all used the "Christian" aspect of Huckabee to cause his demise,
but where Romney has been concerned he is always referred to as a Governor - not a Mormon.I will also give you credit for the post-debate interviews that you
have given - - as opposed to FOX's overall mishandling of the debates. The
last FOX debate allowed 22 minutes for Romney to speak and only 11 for
Huckabee. I didn't track McCain's time. There is no excuse for that - well
except for the excuse of having an agenda for electing the owner FOX and
Baines Capital as President. Our GOP Nomination has been bought and paid for
and I'm not the one who should be ashamed."
So, time draws nigh for the Huck/Hannity showdown. In closing, I'm no more a conspiracy theorist than I am a potential Vice Presidential pick for Huckabee should he win the nomination. I hope Huckabee is tough, firm, and Presidential tonight. I pray that many will watch the show - both the Fox Coolaid Swallowers as well as those of us who have spewn their lukewarmedness out of our mouths when we realized they were bought and paid for and trying to be king-makers instead of ethical and legitimate journalists.
Before I had the chance to hit the "publish Post" button Frank Luntz states to Hannity on Fox that Huckabee came out of the CNN Debate as the favorite. How many debates does Mike Huckabee have to win before FOX and the other Liberal Media outlets with them will see him as a viable candidate that can beat the Clinton Machine and "out debate" Obama.
I just received this email:
Hello everyone,
Huckabee may want to know this tonight -- before his interview.
The week Huckabee was in FLA, Hannity and fox were reporting he'd withdrawn from the election. I personally called and spoke to Gavin Hadden, Fox Producer (202-445-3060) and asked him to correct this story. He refused to do so. I called back 2 days in a row -- yet fox kept reporting the story. Volunteers from the FLA office told me that as they were phoning voters, voters were telling them "why should we vote for Huckabee -- he's dropped out of the election".
Volunteers also told me that they had personally spoken to Fox Reporters at events and asked for the story to be corrected. But, it wasn't. One of the Volunteers sent me the email below. She too spoke to Gavin.
So, I don't know who in the "official" campaign spoke with Fox -- but 2 Huckabee Volunteers definately did! And, Gavin was not very nice to Maggie, as you can see below.
I have lost ALL respect for Hannity and Fox "news."
Just a peek at the facts show Romney to be a faux conservative at best.
Sean, Rush, Laura, etc. have proved themse;ves to be prideful blowhards. I have turned off the radio and look forward to their replacements. After pride comes the fall -- and it can't come too soon for me.
Hi Mike. I'm not very computer sauvy so I'm emailing. I'm sick to death of Mike being called a "preacher" as if that means he belongs in a barn or something. I'm NOT an evangelical. I like him because he's principiled and a decent man, an approachable, smart, compassionate conservative. I loved the comment about Romney just being called a governor (not a Mormon all the time) and Mike ALWAYS being equated with his congregation, like those few hundred votes would be all he'd get! Thanks for your blog. Sandra
Thanks Sandra for the email. I'm beginning to consider that I'm not an Evangelical either...I'm a Christian, and there seems to be a growing difference between the two. It's been my mistake to think they were one and the same with the likes of Gary Bauer at the Evangelical helm and those that would support a candidate that supports gay rights, gay marriage, and abortion and a whole host of other ilks if I had the time to list.
If you want to hear religious bigotry, just listen to Mark Levine.
You are right my friend! They certainly don't call Gov. Romney "the Mormon." BUT, I can say he is the liberal.
We are being stuffed with an in the box "fiscal conservative."
I will not back off. Let's see how the convention goes as a brokered convention. The talking heads won't know how to handle it!!
Mark Levine....don't get me started. I can only listen to his radio show for about 2 minutes at a time. His sponsors receive no benefit from my radio. I think I'll forward a link to this post to WMAL's General Manager.
From a Huckabee Grassroots supporter:
Not that I expected anything different, but those excerpts from Hannity's emails are exceptionally rude and unprofessional. Plus, he violates one of the most basic rules of civility in email conduct by using "shouting" capital letters.
This election is so crazy. I did not know it was up to the media pundits to determine who we the voter should vote for. In this election it has been well if I follow my heart I will vote for Mike Huckabee, but since he is not electable then I am voting for X candidate. A voter should take the time to research the candidate and pick the candidate that best aligns with that voter.
Sean Hannity, Fox News, Rush, Ingraham, Mark Levin, and the likes have taken every opportunity they could to bias this election to their favor. First it was Mike Huckabee will only appeal to the "Evangelicals" , Second well he has a "Populist" message (is that bad?), Third Huckabee needs to drop out so he can stop taking votes away from Romney. This is pathetic. Do the "Talking Heads" think that if Mike Huckabee drops out that we supporters will vote for Romney, NOT!! Oh, and Mike Huckabee is a Preacher, gasp..how dare he believe in God and not be ashamed to stand up for what he believes in. Didn't GW Bush say in a debate for his Presidency that his idol was Jesus Christ because he saved his life? Noone took offense with that. None of those talking heads call Romney, Bishop Romney since he is a High Bishop in the Mormon church.
I just think that Evangelicals are not voting for Huckabee since the Joel Olsteens of this world are preaching a feel good, ungodly message. Churches in todays times are too interested in doing whatever it takes to put butts in the seat. Bring the big music, water down the message, etc then people are not being led to Christ, it is the opposite. Look at those back in history that led others to Christ: Jonathan Edwards, Charles H.Spurgeon, Arthur Pink, John Calvin, and the likes. Read Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God sermon by Jonathan Edwards. I want to go to a church to hear a sermon with substance and put me under conviction, not a feel good lift me up message like a pep rally.
If Mr Hannity is reading this I ask him to stop the bias in his shows, give Huckabee a chance to win. You have turned me off, my husband, and father-in-law too. This is sad that our election is being ran by the media. Huckabee can beat any of the Democrats and will help Main Street Americans have a better life with more money to succeed. Wallstreet is too wealthy and does not identify with me. Money bags Romney is part of the Wallstreet class along with all of the talking heads. For Huckabee the South Shall Rise for him along with many others. Afterall, we are praying for our candidate and God hears us, never underestimate the will of Almighty God!
I come from a different POV than many of you. I have been an independent for most of my life, but definitely leaned more Democrat than Republican. I would probably not vote this year if it had not been for Mike Huckabee. For the first time in more years than I care to remember, I have been engaged in the process. I am hopeful that we can turn around the damage that has been done to our country by our own elected offcials in both the administrative and legislative branches.
So I don't intend to give in to rage over the officious Mitt and his paid henchmen. Instead I will give $$ until it hurts and I will make calls until I lose my voice.
BTW, did you know that Mitt is a Mormon Bishop? Since Hannity is so fond of ecclesiastic titles, I wonder why he doesn't refer to him as Bishop Romney? After all, a Bishop must trump a governor, don't you think? :-P
Thanks Peggy. I didn't even know or I suppose I never thought about it, that mormons had Bishops much less Romney being one. I wonder if Harry Reid will be voting for Mitt. I'm sure so since I also beleive that when we are talking about hard case Washington insiders and those that have sold out to them don't really care if your Dem or GOP.
I posted this article on my blog (http://polit-speak.blogspot.com/). It presents an interesting perspective on Mitt's record in Massachusetts:
Is being a Populist bad? Great question...I've wondered the same thing ever since the term began to be used like a negative when inferred upon Huckabee. The dictionary define Populist as "a member of the peoples party" or "A supporter of the rights and power of the people" and "an advocate of democratic principals"
So - sure - Mike Huckabee is a Populist. He should be the GOP choice because of it. Is using the term "populist" in a negative connotation saying that McCain and Romney and the other drop-out candidates do not fit these definitions? Then why should we vote for them.
As for looking carefully at each candidate - I agree. Of the choices available - anyone outside of Huckabee is distasteful and a McCain/Huckabee ticket as one person said to me tonight "makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth." LOL But I would probably pull that lever, I just won't like it. If Huckabee is completely out of the picture (and I pray he's not) of the candidates I'm looking at at this stage - Obama will be who choke on, unless of course a 3rd party conservative arises from the muck.
Write-in's have been suggested - but that IMO would be a wasted effort to motivate voters to do it.
I have lost all respect for Sean Hannity. Whenever Sean stated what he wanted in a candidate I kept thinking, "Yes, he is going to endorse Mike." But then he started fawning over Rudy, Fred, and Mitt.
Then he starts on Mike calling him a liberal. What really ticks me off is that when asked about Mitt's record Sean says that has all been explained. Then he goes on about Mike's record. He acts like Mike's explanations don't mean didly.
I am sorry Sean but I just can't listen to you anymore.
So ... what happened to Governor Huckabee's appearance on Hannity&Colmes last night? Even O'Reilly mentioned it at the end of his show, so we stayed thru the entire H&C program. No Governor - not even a mention (at least, none that I heard) as to why he wasn't going to appear after all.
Yes, how dare we want to vote for a candidate that is for The People's Party. To be honest, when I first heard the term Populist I had to look it up to see what it meant. To me, I was like well why is that a bad term? But those talking heads don't identify with the people because they are so high atop their pedastal to look down to us. As long as if fits for them then everything is fine. I can say I don't belong to the investment class, I live paycheck to paycheck. My husband is an EMT, and they don't make much money with all the responsibility they hold.
I heard somewhere, whether it is true or not but Senator McCain does not see the United States as being sovereign. If this is the case then that is scary. The quandry for me is if Huckabee does not get the nomination, then who will I vote for? I agree Obama talks a good talk, but he is still a Democrat. The Presidential election is so very important and I can't just not vote. Mike Huckabee is bringing such hope that our nation will be brought back to what our Founding Fathers wanted. If we fall away from these essential values/principles our nation will fail.
I suppose, Sean Hannity needs to know that the Populist message is not bad. It is so promising to know that our candidate (Huckabee) can possibly become our next President if only the people would wake up and realize what great peril our nation is in. Our young people deserve to know these essential foundations that have been laid before us when this great nation was first formed. Many brave men & women have fallen on our behalf and for the freedoms that we have. Homosexuality is being pushed in our faces, along with our children's. Unborn children are killed without regard for life, just tossed away like yesterday's trash. Our nation will never prosper if the life of the unborn is not protected. If that is the case then why not go ahead and have the baby and decide then to just kill it? Oh, that is a baby and you can't kill it, but no matter what it is a baby in womb. This may be rough comments, but they are so true!
I want all of us to take a stand on Monday to pray faithfully for Mike Huckabee and for the voters to take a stand for our nation for all of the right reasons. I know that God will hear us, and will move mountains for us. If not, then we will get what we deserve and that is not what we want for our nation.
I have been prayerfully faithful for Huckabee, and will not give up on him until he says he is finished until then I am in for the fight! Who else is with me? Can we pray for Mike?
In my 43 years, I have never supported a presidential candidate like I support Governor Mike Huckabee. I agree w/ him on every single issue. He has my voice and my vote. I stopped watching Fox News a month ago because of the obvious bias against him. Yes, they were occasionally nice to him but I could see the glee on their faces w/ any mild slip up. I heard the subtle digs at him like always referring to him as the Baptist Preacher. It was stomach churning. I will never feel the same way about Sean Hannity. He has been bought and paid for. Ditto that for Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, and Rush Limbaugh. If Romney does win the nomination, God forbid, I will be be voting democratic for the first time ever.
Here's what is really going on with the "pundits" (Hannity, Ingram, Coulter, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Rick Santorum, etc.) and this goes for the family values leaders who have remained silent: This is a game for all of them. They have had access to President Bush and have had a front row seat under his presidency. They have cut deals with Romney big time and he has promised them access, influence, money, etc. That's what this is about. It wasn't that long ago that Hannity was pushing the values of Rudy Guiliani but now that he's out Hannity has a new deal--Mitt Romney. These people are entertainers and sell themselves to the highest bidder. I used to believe these people but no more--I'm done with all of them. Fair and balanced? I don't think so!
Hmmm.... I heard that Ralph Nader is considerin a run ... I want to encourage him to do that. :-D
I am not sure my reply to the blog went through so I copied it here:
‘Lets give Huckabee all the ad dollars he needs and see if the news machines "change" their spin on him. He has a great message to tell. He is a "great package" for the American people. I believe he can get "yellow democrats" to vote for him in the General election. He can bring unity to the electorate, given the office of Presidency. He is the man for the job in 2009.
In elections past, news reporters were worthy of their words, that has changed. The internet has changed the game and the pundits are fighting for their economic lives. Desperate men do desperate things. Globalization is changing the world power structure faster than we comprehend.
Mike Huckabee, is the leader to give us the best vision for what the future is bringing to our doorstep. Ron Paul would make a great Secretary of Defense or Treasury or even VP. McCain flops like Romney flips and will sell out our freedom, our sovereignty, our federalist government, just as fast as Obama and Clinton.’
Thanks for the emails
What is Maryland doing for Huckabee?’
Charlie Phelps
Paraclete Realty LLC
408 Headquarters Dr.
Suite 3C
Millersville MD 21108
Mike, I tried to respond on your blog but didn't see a place to do that.
All I wanted to say is that I hope and pray that if Mike Huck is not the nominee you will still vote for the republican. We can't afford to have liberal judges and higher taxes. I certainly am not for either McCain or Romney but believe it would be worse for our countryif we voted for Hillary or Obamma. Please pray about this!
Thanks for all you do!
Thanks for the concern. But if you watched Fox the other night - the feeling is mutual between me and Ann Coulter - who stated that she will "CAMPAIGN for Hillary" if McCain wins the nomination. There was another lady (using that term loosly) pundit that said she will vote for Hillary if "Mike Huckabee is anywhere NEAR a ticket" Now where prey tell me - is the logic and common sense in that line of thinking? Has the GOP gotten so ANTI-Christian?
I agree 100% with your point on Mike being a Populist. I too had to look up the meaning of the word to see if I mis-understood after hearing all of the negativity. NOPE - no misunderstanding here - Mike is the "people's choice" a candidate that is 'FOR THE PEOPLE' and yet he is hated so vehemently among the current slate of pundits and GOP Washington Insiders. I DO NOT GET IT!!! Well actually I do...he's a Christian. Funny how they would prefer a Mormon over a Christian.
As for what you heard on McCain's belief of America being a Sovereign nation, I don't know the answer to that, however - how many Presidents have we had (Dem and GOP)since Regan (and possibly before) that have sold America lock stock and barrell down the road - beginning with NAFTA? Every last one of them Bush 1, Clinton and Bush 2. Huckabee openly oposes NAFTA and he stated that he opposes the North American Union. There are Principalities and Powers that want Mike Huckabee away from DC as far as they can keep him. He says he will stay in the dog fight and I hope he can do it (financially), theres a different race running beside the Presidential race this election cycle.
I read your blog on Hannity … totally agree, but you are even more right on about the evangelicals supporting the likes of Romney, we are from Massachusetts, and anyone who knows his record as governor, and his previous run for the Senate knows he did NOT govern as a conservative.
I am sending you an article by a megachurch pastor in Minneapolis which is beyond ridiculous, not to mention that twists the scriptures beyond recognition, and the guy claims to be saved and an evangelical preacher. Heaven preserve us from these characters … what they say is sheer idiocy!!
The only Democrat I could ever vote for these days might be Zell Miller. I’d be hard put to think of anyone else. By the way, in my younger days, that wasn’t true, there were some Democrats you could vote for …
By the way, Hannity has given Romney a complete pass on the issues for more than six months now, no real hard questions asked, not to mention complete acceptance of the former Mormon missionary’s recent conversion to conservative values, while he has grilled McCain and Huckabee on their past records as if they were criminals, and all the while giving the idea that neither of them could have legitimately changed some of their views. Hannity’s desperate last ditch declaration for Romney doesn’t surprise me at all. But what does disturb me profoundly is his complete dishonesty and lack of candor for months now with his audience, subtly promoting Romney, while just as cleverly trashing the other candidates (with the except perhaps of Thompson).
Say what you will about McCain, but I much prefer him to Romney, if only on the basis of honesty, at least you know where he doesn’t stand with us, but with Romney we will never ever know for sure; he is a phony and an opportunist of the highest order. I would not at all be disturbed if Governor Huckabee’s legacy in this campaign simply ends up being the “Mitt-slayer” as he has been called by some … if that is the case, he will have done our country a great service in keeping Romney out of the White House. He is far less conservative than McCain, and entirely less reliable, and one has only to examine his record as the Governor of Massachusetts to understand that truth quite clearly.
Does anyone remember that Mitt Romney actually endorsed Mike Huckabee for President....another flip flop I suppose.
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