Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Fox News Loses It's Fair And Balanced Banner This Election Cycle

FOX News Network has been the Conservative Right response to the liberal media going as far back as the Reagan Presidency. Every anchor, talk show host, and reporter tauts the phrase "fair and balanced."

Where FOX may have begun their mission with the glamorous goal of being fair and balanced with a potential viewership eager for such a lofty aspiration - lost in a leftist media wilderness - they have deputationaly digressed. This backslidden state from balanced reporting has frustrated many of their faithfully committed conservative viewers.

We first saw FOX's faults in their failure to give ALL of the GOP candidates equal time and attention - writing them off as un-winnable or operating in the "fringe." They had moments of appearing to be "king-makers" rather than reporters of who the American people wanted and being "fair and balanced" in the doing. Mike Huckabee couldn't "buy" television time on FOX in his early campaigns, Ron Paul, and Tom Tancredo fell to the same bias. All of the candidates, snubbed by FOX had/have messages on issues that need to be heard and promoted as much as the early frontrunner messages that were - then - being applauded and lauded. Even Fred Thompson was being hailed as the answer to all things conservative - if he would just announce his candidacy at the chagrin of those vieing for some FOX Focus.

From the subtleties of left-handed comments focusing on Huckabee's being an ordained minister - referring to him as"The Baptist Preacher" at every opportunity vs his actual title of Governor that they privilege Romney with - to the strident spin of the Governor's Arkansas record attempting to label him as a liberal for being less of a liberal than Mitt Romney as two Governor's managed their states respectively.

What is so laughable to me is - when Mike Huckabee won Iowa by a very comfortable margin - tongue slingers like Sean Hannity began to pat themselves on the back making statements like "We have - from the beginning - stated that Mike Huckabee was going to do well." Unbelievable audacity.

I watched Governor Huckabee's interview with Fox after his win. He was understandably cold to Hannity in responding to his questions directly with no frills of conversation. Then - after a few minutes passed - I flipped over to CNN and saw a different face on the same candidate. The Mike Huckabee everyone of his supporters and those that don't know. Rush Limbaugh - with a sneering comment - stated that "other networks" could only talk about "Huckabee, Huckabee, Huckabee, Huckabee...." What Limbaugh failed to laud lip service to was the fact that FOX News could only talk about Obama, Obama, Obama.

The latest wave of attacks from Faux News and the like is one of NON-ATTACK. Has anyone but me noticed that Huckabee is being ignored since McCain won and moved to MI for his next wave? Certainly no blame is laid on McCain here - but if the Gary Bauer Evangelicals and Rush Limbaugh King-Maker's want to call Mike Huckabee a Liberal - and laud McCain as the hero to save the GOP - they are simply blinded by the bent of socialistic Government that is being ushered in the desperation that we just can't stand on principals alone and beat Hillary. Not one word of Huckabee passed the lips of Faux Pundits today as they attempt to force Huckabee back into the Evangelical closet of obscurity. For those evangelicals and NRTL leaders that overlooked this candidate who entered into politics to "stop abortion" twenty years ago certainly are telling on themselves as to their real goals unseen by the normal value voter eye.

Has it occurred to anyone that if "Tax-Hike Mike" who lowered taxes 90 times in Arkansas becomes the President and he is successful at eliminating the IRS or implementing the Fair Tax - that all of these non-profits such as http://www.ouramericanvalues.org/ would lose donations because there would be no need for wealthy donors to have a tax write off, ere go less income. If Huckabee were to be successful at ending abortion - Right to Life groups would have no need to exist because no more abortions - no more funds coming into their organizations. So - since Huckabee is serious about changing Washington - he poses a threat to well-intended organizations turned politico - let's support the candidate that LOOKS conservative enough and will appoint judges (which has been done over and over and still no end to Roe V. Wade) that will be pro-life in their judgments and we maintain our organizations, administrations, and our paychecks. Sound overtly cynical? Maybe. But please explain the logic of evangelical's supporting a candidate that was clueless about legislation before the House to overturn Roe v. Wade and who openly stated that overturning Roe v. Wade would not be the direction he would take as President. Yet Mike Huckabee entered politics to STOP ABORTION!
I chased that rabbit long enough: Back to Faux News:

Have the tables turned? Has Faux News drank the Kool-aide of checkbook journalism? The subtleties of their reporting - even in tonight New Hampshire Primary returns - suggest that they have.

One example: on CNN we are given the top three candidates of both parties and their results as the polls come in. But Fox - continuing their attempt to high-hat Huckabee only list the top two candidate results. Am I being cynical? Maybe. In and of itself that little "dig" would be dismissed as unmentionable. However, given all of the attacks, spins, false accusations from Fox and their seeming love affair with Giuliani and Romney - this insignificant notice carries weight.

It has gotten to the point that listening to the talk-show hosts on their radio programs has become sickening. Watching the returns on FOX is no longer appealing to this conservative. I've flipped back and forth between CNN and FOX in the last two returns now - and CNN has now become the more F&B than the original F&B now turned Faux - CNN just doesn't brag about it.

I've stated before in referring to Robert Novak - which now applies to the likes of FOX, Rush Limbaugh, Gary Bauer, and other so-called Reagan-ites, that there is a wedge being driven into the Grand Old Party and pundits like these are the hammer driving it deeper and deeper until the GOP will be so divided that anyone with an R beside their name will not be electable to dog-catcher.

One of my favorite Democrats - though I have no connection to his political beliefs - who is immeasurably intelligent in all things political had this to say about Fox:
"Fox was, is and will continue to be an asinine and ignorant network. I have
not spoken to anyone in the Clinton campaign about this. I have not done
domestic political consulting since President Clinton was elected. I'm not
getting back into domestic political consulting. If I do go back, it would
be safe to say that I'm the biggest liar in America."
-- James Carville after Fox tried to start the rumor that he was going to work with the Clinton campaign.

Bottom line: If you want true Fair and Balanced reporting during this election - you'll find it at CNN before you'll get it at FOX. If you want perfectly fair and balanced - watch C-Span.


Anonymous said...

Excellent article. I did a google
search on foxnews propaganda and
pornography, as I now see it that
is exactly where fox news has gone.
In that search you can see where
the owner of foxnews is doing the
same in England with his Sun paper.
Murdock, the owner will give an account, and those who really want fair and balanced here will have to get beyond foxnews. To ignore Huckabee, as they are and only show the top two, (although Mike is ahead in some states) is flat out propaganda, Where are you Bill Oriely, are ya still lookin out for us. Remember,,,,, the folks??

The E.R. said...

Thanks for the kudo's smiles. I wonder if Baine Capital has anything to do witht eh England market as they do with the American Network. As for Bill O'Reily - if he ever was looking out for us - - he's been squelched by his boss. Time for us to look out for ourselves. We received great training - no doubt - from Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Bill-O and the like - now we have been kicked out of the nest to fend for ourselves.