Sunday, January 13, 2008

I Actually Agreed With Rush This Week

It's no unknown fact that FOX news, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter have fell off into the brink of biased media reporting because their pockets are lined with Washington Insider Dollars - or so one must assume. It's actually gotten so bad that many conservatives have either started surfing other political news outlets and commentators, or have simply turned them off altogether.

I now watch CNN more than FOX and only watch Fox long enough to be able to accurately describe their newly acquired SPIN-ZONE status with unfair-unbalanced reporting. I promise - I'll get off this broken record spill before I end this post.

Rush Limbaugh this week - in commentating on the Thursday night FOX Debate stated that "We should not be afraid to go after McCain's record." Most all debate watchers are in agreement that McCain made it through Thursday's debate "unscathed." Huckabee took the first punch from Thompson and gave back better than he received (In Normal Huck Fashion - I love it when he gets tough). Ron Paul took several hits (what's new), Mitt might have alluded to some McCain records but didn't really show his teeth too much - and didn't take too many scratches and bites from anyone either. Giuliani had his moments of giving as well as receiving some minor discussion. Huckabee's biggest hits probably came from the Moderator's - again - FOX people trying to Spin the Religion aspect of Huckabee into a do they sleep at night? (I have thoughts about that - but I don't want to offend some Huckabee supporters in the process - we'll wait until after November to discuss if your still interested).

Overall - McCain took it easy on everyone and in return didn't take any hits either. Rush says "go after his record." I agree, but with respect. He may be a Hero, but he is not Presidential material. When he was defeated by George Bush, he held a grudge against the President for almost 2 years, voting against proposals that Bush conceived or openly approved. McCain has sided with Democrats on many pivotal Bills that came before his signature pen. came out with an article today stating that James Dobson has placed his stamp of DISapproval on John McCain. Though the article attempts to appear unbiased, the subtleties run clear that WorldNetDaily has drank the same Kool-Aide FOX has been drinking from GOP Washington insiders. But Dobson is a tee-totaler and doesn't drink that kind of kool-aide. He has no fear of pointing out the falicies of McCain's record.

Sidebar: When I mention subtleties of articles and reporting....I just want to give you an example of what I'm referring to here. This is a quote from on Dobson....

"Dobson, who always is careful to note that he's not speaking for the non-profit ministry, which cannot advocate for or against candidates legally, also doesn't hesitate to state his personal opinions on social or political issues and agendas."

This paragraph would almost be overlooked by the reader. That last sentence just leaps off the page at me. Has it occurred to WND that the reason Dobson offers his personal opinion is because a reporter probably stuck a microphone and camera in his face and asked.....NOT TO MENTION - ever heard of Free Speech? He has that right!

Well - if McCain had his way - certainly those rights would be absolved. Sometimes loopholes are good. Had Dobson been sitting in his office in the Focus on the Family premises and made that statement - his 501 c 3 would have been in jeopardy, but because he was - and noted thusly - that he was speaking as a private citizen and in his home - he could make those statements. Thank you McCain and Feingold for your bill to allow Big Government to split hairs in the private sector in order to stifle those you knew would not support you in 2008.

I still believe the McCain-Feingold bill was quite self-serving on John McCain's part. He new he was going to run again. He knew Evangelicals wouldn't support him. He knew he couldn't play on the same monetary ball field as other candidates would be able to - so he created and managed the passing of a bill that would bring the ball-game to his turf. How self-serving is that.

Dobson further points out his distaste for McCain as President in the fact the McCain does not support a One Man One Woman Marriage.

McCain stated: "I think that gay marriage should be allowed, if there is a ceremony kind of thing, if you want to call it that...I don't have any problem with that."

If I had any persuasion to think that McCain would be a lesser of two evils choice for me - you just lost me with that quote.

McCain also supports a Democratic authored legislative bill that creates obstacles for ministries to reach constituents with action messages about pending legislation.

This is currently being fought by groups like ACLJ, American Family Association, and Center for Moral Clarity. If this type of legislation is passed - it will effectively silence the church at large and our ability to amass opposition to future legislation such as Stem Cell Research, Abortion bills, Free Speech, and virtually limitless counts of bills that affect our everyday living and freedoms in this country.

Other rules are hidden deeply into this current legislation that include rules to "eliminate the many recent scandals involving members of Congress, ...require pro-family groups to provide documentation of their actions to the government anytime they try to spark any grass-roots action." Where is "smaller government" in this type of legislation? This is Big Government looming over the Church and affiliated organizations. This is Big Brother at his worse.

This would mean that "phone calls, personal visits, emails, magazines, broadcasts, phone banks, appearances, travel, fundraising, and other items all would be subject to government tabulation, verification, and audits....on and on it goes" according to Dobson.

"'Clearly, the objective here is to hide what goes on from the public and punish
and silence those of us who would talk about what our representatives are
doing,' Dobson said of the plan by Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev. American Family
Chairman Donald Wildmon, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins and American Values President Gary Bauer joined Dobson in urging listeners to flood Capitol Hill with phone calls demanding those speech limits be removed."

Don Wildmon referred to McCain's bill as "We don't want to hear from you and this is the way we're going to handle it."

I have blogged before - and I have written Mr. Bauer personally that there is a clear and present danger in front of us at this hour. It is the shutting down of the Evangelical and sending us back to the Dance Floor Sidelines to be wallflower's and never being asked to dance. We were courted in the '80's and learned how to dance in the political arena. Now that we as Evangelicals not only know how to dance - but have cleared the floor with our tango-ing Mike Huckabee - we're not welcome anymore. Washington's liberal bills can't get passed because the Evangelicals have a right to free speech and OMG!!! They are using it!!!!

I recall the day when the church in America was practically powerless. We have seen the church mature into a strong voice. Now - we see a government trying to squeeze us back into our box with articles like Robert Novak's stating that we aren't REALLY SERIOUS REPUBLICANS.

To this point, Mr. Dobson states "Republican leaders in Congress during this term apparently never understood, or they forgot, why Ronald Reagan was so loved and why he is considered one of our greatest presidents. If they hope to return to power in '08, they must rediscover the conservative principles that resonated with the majority of Americans in the 1980s – and still resonate with them today. Failure to do so will be catastrophic,"

Maybe it is this mentality that the Robert Novak's of journalism don't take Evangelicals sincerely. In fact I know it is. I experience it somewhat in my local Republican arena. GOP's believe you ought to vote GOP if Suddam Hussein himself were running against Hillary. I'm sorry - I can't buy into that. I have principals when I walk into a voting booth. If the candidate that the GOP's put up in nomination does not adhere to my principals- I won't vote for them.

I am not a Republican because I agree with the Party Platform. I am a Republican because the Party Platform agrees with me.

If that changes - and it will if certain candidates are nominated (Romney, Giuliani, and McCain, Thompson is a close call and will require consideration) - I will not be bound to my party. I will consider a 3rd party and watch to see if Hillary's hand burns when she places it on the Bible in January '09.

As far back as 1998, James Dobson has stated that the GOP has ignored moral issues.

Evangelicals have been asked to "take one for the party" election after election and to me - with the war on terror, the economy teetering on the edge of falling into the brink, illegal immigration helping the poor economy exist - there is just too much to risk to not consider a candidate who understands the political as well as spiritual implications of foreign policy, domestic policies and freedoms that we currently enjoy, stand to lose, and those we have already lost.

We still live in the greatest country in the world (Obama believes mother Africa to be the greatest), we will be weakened if that which made us strong is stripped away one legislative bill at a time. Let's elect a candidate that will change the face of Washington and keep America Great at the same time. That candidate is Mike Huckabee.


Peggy said...

"Of two evils, choose neither."
Charles Haddon Spurgeon

The E.R. said...

Thanks Peggy - - That's good. I beleive that's where I'm at in this election --- definately in a "send a message" mentality. But, Huckabee is still a very real candidate - so hopefully I get to vote on the candidate I want this time.

Peggy said...

I'm with you on that ... and hopefully our message will be heard loud and clear ... getting feedback from my team and it is *good*.