Friday, January 18, 2008

Who's Going To Fill Their Shoes?

For those of you who don't know me - or know what I've been up to of late, I have been extremely involved in endeavors that I beleive to be of national and spiritual consequence. Enough said to that regard, but I'm blogging here today - because I need to get my mind wrapped around something else even for a few minutes for my sanity's sake.

I was thinking this morning about some of the wisdom that has been passed down to me from other, much older, experienced, and wiser pastor's that I believe had a part in making me the man, father, husband, pastor, believer, that I am today. I was saved at 11 in a church youth camp, and preachers and godly men and women have influenced my life ever since. So - I thought I'd share some of those statements that really stick out in my mind for others to read and though it may not be an exhaustive list of remarks, certainly I find them ever present in my psyche as each individual played a part in shaping who I am and my relationship with the Lord. This is my small tribute to the real Hero's in my life:

"Don't ever take a drink - if you do - I hope you see my face of dissapointment in your mind" - Rev. Ben Scott Retired pastor in Arkansas - - for the record, every drink I've ever drank as a teenager - my pastor's face was in front of me. This taught me to have a relationship with the youth of my church and not be so far removed as a pastor that I lost influence over them. It also kept me from drinking too regularly as some of my friends did in those days.

"Get out of that girls lap!!" - Rev. George Harvey Pastor in Arizona - - He grabbed me by the arm and sternly stated this to me when I was leaning too closely to my girlfriend in church service - taught me to treat ladies in dating relationships with respect - - a lesson I will surely pass on to my son and as for my daughter - to expect the same. (I was 13).

"Don't change the Message but the Method's must continue to change" - Rev. Bill Johnson (dec. Pastor in Ft. Smith, AR) -- taught me to never discount ministry methods outside the box of traditionalism. Winning people to Christ is the ultimate goal.

"Be ready to preach, pray, or die in a minutes notice." - Dr. Charles Thigpen (Bible College President, Ret.)

"Always tell the stories of your family" - Donald Phillips (Uncle) -- it certainly gives our children and grandchildren the sense of "heritage" and being part of a family much bigger than themselves and our immediate family.

"Faith is asking God for something and waiting for Him to provide should he decide you really need it" Rev. John Gibbs (Pastor in North Carolina) --not and exact quote, but more of the example he has set. I've known him to pray and ask and share with the Lord his need and has never been dissapointed. I recall several requests he has had over the last 10 -15 years of his ministry and I am always amazed at how God has provided - if not every one - certainly some pretty significant ones.

"If we as Christians live in fear, what hope does that give those who don't know Christ." Rev. John Gibbs (Pastor in North Carolina) stated on the Wednesday night that George H.W. Bush announced we were at war in Desert Storm.

"Jesus let go of God's hand on the Cross so that He could reach down - and I could reach up - and take Jesus' hand" Rev. John Gibbs (Pastor in North Carolina) - - I can get through any difficulty as long as I hold the hand of Jesus

"Would you go to church camp with me?" Boyd Osborne (Uncle) - - I asked Jesus to be my Savior that week as a result.

"If you can do anything else but that, I would encourage you to do it" Rev. Ben Scott (Arkansas Pastor Ret.) - - when I informed him I was answering the call into ministry. He was referring to the hardships of minsitry. Sometimes I wish I had listened.

Though I can't think of any specific quotes, here are others that have made impacts in my life:

Denny Smith (Uncle) - - made sure I had a place to hunt each deer season and taught me the importance of helping people with the only motivation of being your friend or family

Rev. Jim Walker (Pastor in Arkansas) - - never give up on ministry even when it's difficult and to keep a calm head in the heat of difficulties

Rev. Bob Shockey - (Pastor in Tennessee) - - Evangelist and Soul Winner - taught me the importance of keeping your joy and not being ashamed of the Gospel.

Rev. Bo Coffman (Pastor in Arkansas Ret.) - - taught me the importance of being a Pastor to the community regardless of whether the individual came to my church or not.

Larry Phillips (Dad) - - being an honest and upright man in business and private life leaving behind an impeccable reputation for quality and character. A man who is still missed after seven years. (and would probably be mad for being included here) :)

Gerald Phillips (Grandfather) - - Same as above, but I recall at age 70 he could outwork me at 17 in the Hay-field and barn on a hot August day.

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