Monday, November 26, 2007

As The Worm Turns

William Shakespeare wrote in Henry VI, Part 3, where Lord Clifford urges the king against lenity and harmful pity, saying:

To whom do lions cast their gentle looks?
Not to the beast that would usurp their den.
Whose hand is that the forest bear doth lick?
Not his that spoils her young before her face.
Who 'scapes the lurking serpent's mortal sting?
Not he that sets his foot upon her back.
The smallest worm will turn being trodden on,
And doves will peck in safeguard of their brood.

Though too heavy a thought to be campaign clambake, "The Worm Is About To Turn" is a cliche that fits our current political climate.

Only a few weeks ago, Mike Huckabee was not getting enough attention in the media. Bloggers blogged, spinners spun, blitz's blasted and Mike's Glory-bound train took no jokers. Huckabee has arrived! O'Reily's olive branch obtained, Bauer's bashing buttoned, Hannity's hush now heralding its time to sing: FIVE GOLDEN RINGS!! four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves.......

Enter The new phase. Eight Candidates Clashing. Mike has left the 2nd tier behind to be in double digits nationally in the Rasmussen polls. He is well within the margin of error to be named #1 in Iowa - though the mainstream (and not so mainstream) media still refuses to recognize Mike as a contender. Fred who has floundered his campaign thus far with a lackadaisical approach - finally woke from slumber to hit Mike with six (6) negative ads "informing" Americans that Mike isn't a "Beltway insider" (as if that were a negative). Mitt's mindless mudsling would have you to believe that Mike is soft on immigration, when in fact - as a Governor of Arkansas he obeyed the laws and gave illegal immigrants the education required by state law as any governor would be required. Yes, in addition he allowed those immigrants who were successful in their education the same rights as other students with the requirements of maintaining above average GPA's and Citizenship. But, Mr. Romney fails to mention his personal lawn pawns amidst the rhetoric. Just so my bases are covered - they are not pawns - they are people (immigrants, aliens or whatever label you wish to place them under) and people deserve a chance in life - through the appropriate channels - to succeed. That is the very definition of being an American - more to the point - a Pro-life (all of life) American - how soon we forget after 231 years (or three years if your a former Massachusetts Governor adamantly campaigning as a pro-abortion and anti-Regan/Bush candidate).

While we all hear the bells on Christmas day, in the background you may very well hear the ringing of a hammer driving a wedge between the Evangelical/Values Voter and the GOP. Articles like Robert Novak's today ( will be the hammer as he views Evangelicals as not "serious republicans" or "real conservatives." I find it interesting that of all people, Robert Novak would be the town crier for defining the "real conservative" when he was a primary proponent of the evangelical inclusion into the GOP during the Reagan years. Now as the worm begins to turn and a true Evangelical shows up to the dance - he has cold feet and wants Evangelicals banished to the irrelevance of being political wall-flowers again.

Novak claims that Evangelicals pose a threat and Mike is the reputed repercussion of the religious right. He claims that Huckabee "press[ed] his new lifestyle" of good health on Americans after he lost 100 lbs. Let's hope Jenny Craig never runs for President, American might feel "pressed." I suppose Mr. Novak would prefer Americans to remain overweight and Diabetes to continue to be the fastest growing disease plaguing this country. Speaking of being pressed - wouldn't that be what Mr. Novak is doing in his article in trying to convince Americans that Evangelicals are bad (or a threat) for the GOP?

Who purports that Evangelicals created this candidate? Mike Huckabee has arrived on his own. Evangelicals have been shy to support Mike and some "Err-elevant" Evangelicals have supported other candidates in spite of the polarized view on the issues between them and their candidate of choice. Mike has at least wished for - if not actually asked for Evangelical monetary support as he struggled to get his train up the steep hill he has now crested. It hasn't been there. In fact, one evangelical leader suggested to me that Mike needs to 'prove he can make it on his own' before evangelicals will get behind him [with donations - implied]. Well, He's here, He's alive and thriving - and evidently threatening to pull off a nomination

One final thought before I close this episode of "As The Worm Turns," if I had the audience and the desire to go speak to the other GOP candidates - I would offer them this piece of advice.
Don't attack Mike too harshly - that strategy will backfire. It backfired with Reagan and it will backfire with Huckabee. He's a likeable candidate - by both parties and some in between. When other candidates attack Mike - especially with half-truths and blatant un-truths, they will only serve to burn themselves.

After claiming that Mike is no Goldwater-Reagan Republican - I think Iowa will prove him wrong as will the other February 5 states. Mike Huckabee is in fact the most Reaganesque candidate on the sale block. Rudy - would call for a Platform change by taking out the Pro-Life plank and Mitt is just too fake and flip-flop. Fred's closest association with Reagan is his acting career.

Mike remains the clear choice for the Value Voter and the Evangelical. He envisions an administration that is tough on immigration/border laws, victory in Iraq, Pro-Life, Pro-Marriage, Pro-Family, and Pro-American.

Your comments (even yours Ron Paul of Virginia) are welcome.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, I'm getting more and more interested Mike Huckabee's candidacy. I was afraid who couldn't make into the front of the field, but now I'm hopeful he can do so.

Steve Greenwood, Nashville, TN

The E.R. said...

Dear Anonymous, (ROFL)
Thank you for your blog-address (not to mention your name - still ROFL)

Seriously Steve - - good to hear from you - it's been a few years.

If your just getting interested - may I suggest you read "From Hope To Higher Ground" by Mike Huckabee (at Borders). Very interesting insight into the the Governor. The first book that got me interested in mike was published 8 or so years ago entitled "Character IS The Issue" In the latter book the Governor talks of course about the Clinton-Lewinski scandal and the importance of Character in Politics that seems to be fading (even more so now 8 years later). Overall - he encouraged the reader - particularly the Christian reader - to involve themselves in politics - at any level (Local/State/National).

When I moved from Tulsa to Russellville, AR - I did just that. I got next to the Mayor and worked with her on city issues, that led to a working relationship with Chris Pyle (on Gov. Huckabee's staff) on statewide Marriage reform, I didn't get too deep into that before I had to move to MD - where I have tried to be involved - but after five years, I'm just now getting to know people, which is reasonable. When Mike announced his candidacy - I had no choice but to work his campaign in my county since I saw no other activity, and now I'm working State-wide to some degree and next week I'll be going into Virginia to help the efforts there.

Pretty amazing stuff. If your seriously interested, I would suggest giving a donation to the campaign (whatever you can afford) and even commit to some form or regular support. Many people I've met nation-wide are donating to a Presidential candidate for the First time in their lives - to Mike Huckabee (self included).

If nothing else - a Buck for Huck - I know you can afford that (and everyone else reading this comment). Man I even gave $10 to Hillary just for the slight chance I might win a dinner date with her and Bill. By giving the buck to huck - you'll be on his mailing list and receive campaign updates, plus you help him in the internet polls as well because the new hits to his web are counted.

Great hearing from you, I'll add your blog to my roll and check you out.

Your friend,
Not-so-Anonymous :)

The E.R. said...

I just re-read the Shakespear quote. Maybe I should have called this blogsite "The Pecking Dove" Watch for a posting with that title :)