Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Iowa Right To Life sends a message....

The letter below from Iowa's Right To Life sends several messages in one. The first being the most important was a message of silence/neutrality. When a subordinate organization cannot effictively choose to support the "mother" organization's decision to support Fred Thompson sends a loud signal. The NRLC certainly placed the states in an awkward situation by their endorsement of a candidate that can't fully support the pro-life agenda.

The second message sent by this Iowa group is a very strong message to Giulinai supporters. Not only is Rudy NOT Pro-Life but he is depicted as Pro-Abortion almost to the degree (as I read this letter) of an Abortion Activist. Whether the latter is the intent of the author or not there still needs to be a recognition of the GOP Platform. If the Pro-Life plank is removed from the GOP Platform - there will be problems on the homefront. Here's the letter from the Iowa RLC....

Iowa Right to Life Committee Remains Neutral at This Time

Des Moines, IA—The Iowa Right to Life Committee met in a closed session yesterday in a response to the National Right to Life endorsement of Fred Thompson. As the affiliate to National Right to Life, the Iowa Right to Life Board of Directors took a positive position to honor and work with NRLC toward the common goal for life.

It was the decision of the Iowa Right to Life Board to stay neutral at this time in order to maintain a long tradition that supports all pro-life candidates in a primary, including Fred Thompson.

Thompson is fairly new in Iowa, but has good name recognition among the grass roots. On the other hand, Rudy Giuliani, who is the only anti-life candidate, has practically ignored Iowa. This lack of interest in Iowa could indicate that he never stood a chance there.

“Without a doubt, Giuliani's support is soft at best since there are still so many conservatives who do not know that he is a strong supporter of abortion, including tax funded abortions,” stated Kim Lehman, President of IRLC. The right to life issue has become, in many circles, the barometer to indicate the candidate’s ethical and moral foundation. Failure to honor life is a failure to the family, which remains under attack.

Anti-life Republicans are misguided to think that they can win an election without the pro-life vote. It is important for this country to choose a candidate that respects life, as Ronald Reagan respected life, because without the right to life, no other rights matter.

For More Information
Kim Lehman

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