Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Veteran's Day

The Date/Time stamp will say Tuesday (which it is) but since I haven't gone to bed yet I'm still considering it Veteran's Day (for about 10 more minutes).

I want to thank the Lord for this great country of ours. I also want to thank those who helped to make it what it is. Those who fought over seas to keep the enemy out of my back yard - thank you. Some of you still struggle with the physical, emotional, and mental scars of the war's you did battle in. I owe you a debt I will never be able to repay. I have family members that served overseas, and it is never talked about or discussed - be it inconvenient or too painful - but if you read this blog - know that I have the utmost respect and honor for what you were able to do in my place so that I would be able to live a life of freedom.

For those of you who served in our military but never saw "action" - thank you for serving. Your role in the military - at whatever level or branch - is just as much a service to me and my family as those who gave life and limb. You were always on stand-by. Ready for the call - faithful to your post and I thank you for your service to my country and family.

Families who had sons or daughters to go overseas, never to return - thank you for your sacrifice. My family, who lives in safety and comfort will never be able to repay our debt but to be able to say thank you.

As with every veterens day, I watch on TV the President (Democrat or Republican) speak at the tomb of the unknown soldier. It's a sobering experience for me to hear the leader of our country recognize those serving and those that have fallen in service to this country. A country that is politically polarized finds on this one day, the fortitude to put differences aside and offer recognition to those that fight our battles in our stead.

When I hear the National Anthem sung, I get a lump in my throat as I think about those that are serving that makes possible the life we live today, that's keeping the enemy across the sea, so my family can sit around our dinner table without worry.

Thank you for all you have done, are doing, and will do tomorrow.

The E.R.

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