Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My Very First Blog at Blogger.com

That's right - I'm a newbie. Before I start scanning the Internet recruiting subscribers to the E.R., I thought it would be prudent to offer a little more information about me than the "about me" section give room for. My name is Mike Phillips. I pastor a church in southern Maryland (about 20 miles south of Washington D.C.). As a private citizen - I am a member of the Republican party (if you needed that explained after seeing the header - consider yourself politically illiterate). I have a lot of Democrat friends, which will give me plenty of subject material to post about.

You should also know that I am a dedicated and loyal supporter of Mike Huckabee for President. Many of my posts, until after Mike is elected as President in '08 will be dedicated to that end.
On a personal note, I have a wife (Robin) of 16 years and two children: Savannah (12) and Johnathan (7). Before too long I will post more on where we live and how we got here --- It's a "God Thing" that will take some time to blog.

My plan for this blog will be to categorize by subject as many blogs do. Again - you will probably find most of my blogs on the subject of Huckabee for a while....certainly about politics as a whole - - I'm working on a real whopper in my mind and can't wait to post it.

I am a proud administrator of 4 myspaces. I plan to use this space as my primary blog and copy and paste onto myspaces. I have spent a lot of time and effort building friendships and acquaintances with people across the country on myspace. So this will not replace those blogs - but add to. I will probably copy and paste some of my older blogs onto here for those of you who don't have myspaces to be able to read and comment.

Speaking of commenting - please comment away (whether you agree or not). The open exchanging of ideas is what keeps America great. It keeps our Political Parties motivated, it keeps our churches growing and exciting, and it keeps our families healthy, ever-learning, and successful.

Finally, let me thank you for reading this far into my very first blog at Blogger.com. I look forward to making new friends/acquaintences here. And if I can ever be of help to you offline - please never hesitate to let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to BLOGGER.COM

I'm Louie:)