...when Mike Huckabee wasn't even polling in double digits - and yet he simply plugged away in states like Iowa and New Hamphshire giving his message of Faith Family and Freedom (have I told you that my MD church where I serve as Pastor is named Faith Family Fellowship, hailing from Arkansas - NLR in fact - as my home town - I can't help but like Mike).
Not too much further in the campaign Mike broke double digits, causing O'Reilly to lose his dinner deal with Dick Morris.
In all of that hustle and bustle of Campaign (months before Christmas) two things I never heard - We're concerned about Mike Huckabee's poll numbers - - AND - - Mike Huckabee attacking those in the #1 and #2 (and #3 when it applied) spots in the polls.
Funny how that was Not So Many Months Ago....
In recent weeks, the process started when Mike tied and overtook Mitt in Iowa, Rudy in Florida, own's South Carolina, climbing in New Hampshire (with another steep hill before him). Fred wakes up from his winter slumber to slap Mike 6 times with negative statements (I wonder if he wakes up next to his "trophy wife" - his words not mine - with the same attitude and gives her 6 negative statements). Romney twists and turns every statement of Mike's to make him look mean and unconcerned about other religions and GOP politics, regardless of the fact that Mike thinks more like mainstreet voter's than Washington Business as Usual Politicians. And now McCain - who Mike has never publicly spoken any discouraging words or negative comments other than to call McCain a National Hero and thanked him publicly for his service to the country - only to receive a false accusation of Push Polling in New Hampshire. Which may be happening - but not from Mike Huckabee's directive, in fact latest news indicates that Mike Huckabee has also called on the NH Attorney General to investigate and stop the party from doing it (possibly a person trying to hurt the Huckabee campaign).
At the time I'm writing this blog - so far - Rudy has stayed away from the negative fray regarding Mike...He has kept to the high ground, and as I have noticed, Mike and Rudy tend to maintain a political respect for one another. Pay attention Mitt Romney and Fred, that's Presidential leadership material in action.
Mike didn't need to bring other's down to rise to the top over the course of the last 3 months. If your counting the "Jesus' brother" remark as negative - again - twisted and out of context from Romney's camp - but - Mitt got his apology nonetheless, then turns to slam Mike's statements on Bunker Bush tactics today. I don't get it (actually I do get it). But Negative campaigning will hurt you more than it helps you.
I like Rush Limbaugh's encouragement: Stick to the Issues. Getting distracted on the religion issues is only confusing the American Public [but still - keep reading my Mormon analogy on this blog (-: ].
Today has been a very huge day politically. Lot's of activity taking place. Hope your keeping up. Thank you for reading my blog - - as usual any and all comments are welcome (as long as they are on topic with the post your commenting on).
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