Sunday, December 30, 2007

Some Facts About A Favorite American Statesman!

He was born to hard-working parents in unpretentious surroundings.

He graduated from high school and worked his way through college.

He was an avid outdoorsman and loved dogs.

He ran for Governor as a Republican in a very Democratic state and served two terms.

As Governor, he was criticized for raising taxes to eliminate the budget deficit.

He was able to consistently balance his state’s budget and end each year with a surplus.

He was faced with a very Democratic legislature and learned to work with members of the opposite party.

As Governor, he enlisted the help of parents in the education of their children.

In his run for President, there were 7 other Republican candidates running.

He refused to attack the other candidates and ran a positive campaign.

He was criticized for not having any foreign policy experience.

He was criticized for his occupation prior to his political career.

He was not ashamed of his Christian faith and referred to himself as a "born-again Christian."

He was known for his wit, charm and sense of humor.

He was able to cross party lines with his message of hope and vision for America.

He spoke with ease, with conviction, with passion -- and was able to communicate with the people like few politicians can.

His National Campaign Chairman was Ed Rollins.

His name is Ronald Reagan.

How many of you thought I was referring to Mike Huckabee? :) It is both interesting and exciting to see the similarities in the lives, ideas and policies of Ronald Reagan and Mike Huckabee. With so many of the current Republican candidates trying to assume the mantle of Ronald Reagan for the profit of their campaign, it is very special to be able to support the candidate that really does have the same principles as our great 40th president. This is evidenced by the fact that Ronald Reagan’s National Campaign Chairman, Ed Rollins, has recently joined Gov. Huckabee’s campaign in the same capacity. Mr. Rollins stated that since the days of Reagan he has been looking for another statesman like that, and that Mike Huckabee comes closer to Ronald Reagan than any other politician. Coming from a man who knew Ronald Reagan very personally, that’s a powerful statement! Instead of looking back and wishing for the days of Ronald Reagan, it's time to look forward into the bright future our country can have with a president like Mike Huckabee!

Written By Anna December 19, 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did think you were talking about Mike Huckabee. Amazing!