Friday, December 28, 2007

When the going get's tough - the tough get ___________________!!!

How do you fill in that blank?

I have just been informed by someone who talks to a lot of Hucksters - that there is some discouragement, some dissatisfaction, and overall distraction among our support base. (don't misunderstand - the campaign is not tanking in the very least - in fact new poll numbers in Iowa show us that Huckabee is still on the rise).

Now is the time to rally and get our candidate a win in Iowa. The campaign has stated from the beginning that we need to come in as a top 3 spot in Iowa.

I don't know all that much about running a campaign - but I know that if we don't win in Iowa - we're in BIG Trouble for the rest of the trip. In fact - IMO we will need to start thinking of who we're VP'ing for. BUT WE ARE FAR FROM THAT POINT.

I'm hinging this campaign on a win in Iowa, South Carolina, and a 2nd in Florida - while thinking we'll make a showing in NH even if we're dead last (of course Faux News - my new favorite term - will have a hayday should that happen). I believe we could pull a win if we spent time and money in NH - but probably isn't worth the effort at this point. A win in Michigan would seal the deal for a nomination and I think we own most of the South.

We have a lot of YOUNG supporters that don't have deep pockets. I am convinced by the way this campaign has been successful that we don't really need deep pockets if every one of our supporters simply gave a Buck for Huck once a week from now until Super Tuesday - how awesome that would be in financial gain. Most people - when you ask them to give a buck - will probably do better than that after going to the trouble.

What we ABSOLUTELY CANNOT DO is let the NEGATIVE CAMPAIGNING that has onslaughted us have the victory. If we go down (and I don't think we're really even breathing hard yet - much less going down) but if we do go down - we don't go down without a fight.

When your asked to make phone calls to Iowa - - volunteer.
When your asked by the campaign to spread your workload a little thin - - "take up your cross and bear it" but realize somebody can help you. DELEGATE! If your in Iowa - and getting discouraged because your overloaded - send me an email (reply to this post) - I'll make some phone calls from Maryland to recruit some help for you, and If I'm not successful - at least you'll be encouraged that I tried.

If you don't like the way the campaign is handling its business or the direction it's going - send them an email. Start a Blog (They pay attention to bloggers - I know from experience).

The bottom line here is - We need to "keep our powder dry" (whatever that means - my old preacher used to tell me that and it seems to fit here), and tighten our shoe-laces and keep running. Mike Huckabee's analogy of this camaign has always been that of a Marathon. In a marathon you set target's or goals and you meet each one - one at a time. The target before us is WIN IN IOWA. Ask someone - ask me if you don't know anyone else - what you can do to help the campaign meet that goal, then be willing to do it.

I have had so many people in Maryland ask me "what can I do to help." I have gathered a huge number of email addresses as a result. I sent an email to each one today asking for volunteers to make phone calls to Iowa. I received ONE volunteer. I understand the fear, the discomfort, and the challenge it takes to call someone you don't know - but if we're not willing to do the work - or if we get distracted by the complaints and discouragement - we will not be able to pull a victory for the nomination.

Huckabee is my man. I'm sold on him as a great Political and yes - even Spiritual leader with a broader audience than I - as a Pastor - could ever reach. He's the man for the job in the White House, and I will do whatever necessary (and legal) to help him get there. If he doesn't make it - I won't be sitting back pointing fingers or wishing I could have done more - I'll do what I can as much as I can.

I've had my discouragements with this campaign. I've had my disagreements and let-downs, some of them pretty disheartening. But, I'm still in it - and I'm still involved because the greater good is that Mike Huckabee get's to Washington. I ask everyone reading this post - to be willing to do the same. Not just verbally or by posting a "get-r-done" Hoorah reply - but by contacting someone at the campaign and volunteering your services in your state or in other states if you can. If you need my help in doing that - don't hesitate to ask.

Mike Is Right For U.S.


Unknown said...

I sent an email to each one today asking for volunteers to make phone calls to Iowa.

I live in Iowa -- I got a call from a LIVE person today -- Huckabee's team. Wouldn't you know it? °Ü° She did NOT get hung up on.

Now -- those other recordings... Umm... let's just say... I'm not sure how long they were -- I never heard the end of it.

The E.R. said...

Thank you for this comment Jennifer. I think you've touched on a basic fear. One other fear would be that Iowan's don't want to be told who to vote for...the script Huckabeeans are using is nothing like that...We are simply "counting" our supporters and maintaining communication with our base.

Anyone wanting to volunteer to make phone calls - reply here ASAP.